Saturday, July 25, 2015

I Am Told That I Must Blog

Nowadays anyone can self-publish a book.  There are many great books in print and/or electronic form ready to be enjoyed while curled up in one's comfy chair.  Unfortunately there are a glut of poorly written books available for your torment, too.  Self-publication has made the good, the bad, and the boring all in ample supply.  I hope to contribute my first novel sooner…or later.  It would be nice to have my novel be good and, at worst, boring.

My novel may be published quite a bit later if I do not stop succumbing to any and all legitimate distractions that preclude my actually finishing it.

I am told that I must also blog.   Blogging is expected.  If I want my book to be read by more than friends and family, it is essential that I promote myself and my writing via a blog or website.    You get the idea.

Now I am in no way opposed to blogging.  Previously I blogged for five years and loved every minute of it.   I was working full-time and wrote several times a month as a break from my science-related job on weekends and evenings.  It was a painless and fun way to write for relaxation without the pressure of trying to get published in science-related journals.  At that time, I wrote using my real name.

I killed that blog about the time I reverted to my withered and under-catechized cradle-Catholic roots from Evangelical Protestantism.  I became an Evangelical Christian after decades of agnosticism and living life my way.  (Guess what? God's way works much better!)

I stopped blogging because I was so blown away by how wrong many of my ideas were about the Catholic many more of my thoughts were half-baked?!  I needed time to research, study, and inhale the centuries of truth and fabulous Catholic writings of the saints and theologians that I had not availed myself of for more than 50 years!  That is a delicious on-going experience.

My blog postings will be semi-random but probably a couple times a month.  I will aim for once weekly.  It is my way of opening up my heart and mind to you, the reader should happen across my blog.

Many blessings, Meggie

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